Amicable divorce resolutions ensure the security and support for your most precious assets.
The Effects of
Divorce on Children
Most parents contemplating divorce struggle with profound concerns about how such a change will affect their children. Many people stay married far longer than they would otherwise out of fear that doing so will harm the kids. Is this wise? Of course, there is no universal answer for everyone. Every child is different, every family is different, and the impact of divorce on children varies depending on a range of factors, including individual characteristics of the child and parental behaviors.
Family Mediation is
the Solution
We can say with certainty that an amicable divorce, resulting in an effective co-parenting relationship, is categorically less harmful than a conflictual marriage. If you believe there is still potential to heal your relationship and create a loving, safe environment for your children, please contact us to learn more about Divorce Discernment, a process specifically designed to get clarity on whether to stay together. On the other hand, if you are certain there is no path toward healing and creating such an environment, divorce is likely the optimal path forward for your children’s best interests.
One of the core principles of our interdisciplinary, team-based mediation is that we keep the kids front of mind throughout the process.
Family Mediation Protects Children in Every Way
Emotional regulation prevents impulsive reactions, leading to reduced conflict during the divorce process. Couples learn to respond thoughtfully rather than reactively, creating a more harmonious environment.
By practicing emotional control, couples can engage in open and effective communication. They can express their concerns and needs without escalating conflicts, fostering understanding and cooperation.
Emotional regulation encourages the cultivation of empathy. Couples begin to see the situation from each other’s perspectives, which can lead to more compassionate interactions and a smoother negotiation process after the divorce.
Embracing emotional regulation benefits children by providing a stable and respectful environment. Children observe their parents addressing conflicts maturely, setting a positive example for handling challenges.
EmotRegulating emotions empowers individuals to make decisions from a place of clarity rather than impulsivity. This leads to more thoughtful choices that align with their long-term goals.
Bill of Rights for Children of Divorce
1. THE RIGHT to adore both parents without fear of hurting either by so doing
2. THE RIGHT to innocence of whose fault the divorce is, and what their parents did wrong
3. THE RIGHT to feel heard
4. THE RIGHT to feel loved
5. THE RIGHT to know as much as possible about how exactly their lives will change, as soon as possible
6. THE RIGHT to have access to both of their parents all the time without creating conflict
7. THE RIGHT to not witness open tension between their parents at transitions
8. THE RIGHT to have both parents present for important events such as their birthday, student teacher conferences, performances, graduations, and weddings
9. THE RIGHT to not be a messenger or go-between.
10. THE RIGHT to feel and express all kinds of things about both parents without repercussions
Everyone Benefits from Divorce Mediation
Divorce is always challenging to children. Parents who maintain healthy communication and support positive relationships between their children and exes are able to find themselves in a better place than before the divorce. If divorce is right for you, and you are thoughtful about how you go about it, it will be the BEST thing for your children, as well.

Let’s Talk!
We offer a free 30-minute consultation to all new clients - we’ll get to know specifics of your family’s situation and why you’re interested in divorce mediation as a solution. Let us answer all your questions and decide if mediation is best for you.